It’s a wrap! RCF was delighted to sponsor the Downtown Frederick Partnership’s big fundraiser Alive @ Five on July 21st. Our member volunteers also took over the serving of cold drinks to the thirsty crowd on this hot summer afternoon, and had an absolute ball in the process. Special thanks go to all who helped, including Assistant District Governor Will Byrd, Shamont Snowden, John Molesworth, Kevin Stottlemyer, Lisa Stottlemyer, Matt Warner, Branden McGee, President Jay Mason, Brian Ropp, Brad W. Young, Anne Rollins, Stacey Moler, Karlys Kline, Craig Russell, Rob Skora, Jeanne Jarvis Russell, Michael Pugh, Caroline Tatum Pugh, John Dallavalle, Joyce Draper, Danny Severn, Mike Cumberland, Rick Marin, Patti Hagemann, and the friends and partners who came along for the ride!