Greeter: Michael Pugh
Invocation: Barbara Windsor
Introducer: Dr. P. Gregory Rausch
Speaker: Dr. J Martin Leiper
Program: Teaching Palliative Care in Gaza
A Senior Tutor with PRIME (Partners in International Medical Education), Dr. Leiper has spent more than 25 years teaching palliative care teams providing comfort-based care for the terminally ill in Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, India, Cambodia, Rwanda, Kenya, South Africa, Gaza and Australia. He is a past Chairman of the Scottish Partnership Agency for Palliative Care and in 2014 received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Hospice UK. Before retiring, Dr. Leiper was a Communication and Consultation Tutor in the University of Dundee, and Lead Consultant in Palliative Medicine in NHS Dundee, Scotland. He continues to have ad developing interest in teaching palliative care, communication skills and church-based youth work.